Dashboard users, tools and modules

How to log in to the dashboard using 2 factor authentication
2 Factor Authentication for Peppered Dashboard login 2 Factor Authentication (or short: 2FA) is a more secure way to log in. It requires two steps instead ...
Wed, 30 Mar, 2022 at 9:37 AM
How to add dashboard users and/or change users' settings
This document explains how you can add dashboard users and change the settings of their accounts. General information All dashboard users are listed wi...
Wed, 30 Mar, 2022 at 9:39 AM
How to use the Special Access tool
Are you a time traveler? In your Peppered dashboard you are for sure! Special Access It can be very handy to have a look in the future, especially whe...
Wed, 30 Mar, 2022 at 9:41 AM
How to get access to your test website (.acc.peppered.com)
This document explains how you can get access to your staging environment (for performing tests, etc.) and how you can use the Special Access tool in the st...
Tue, 3 Oct, 2023 at 9:02 PM
How to set up reCAPTCHA V3, a user friendly solution
Google reCAPTCHA is a system that enables web hosts to distinguish between human and automated access to websites. It is used to protect forms against spamb...
Mon, 28 Mar, 2022 at 5:21 PM