Hi, Hei, Salut, Hoi, Hej!

 Did you know your website is already fully prepared for different languages?

The only thing missing is your content. All other texts that are part of your website are already there in multiple languages. And if you want to use a language that is not already available, we can add it. We only have to properly translate thousands of pieces of texts and labels, so it might take a little while.

Getting started

All available languages for your website are available in the "language" module in the "Website" menu:

  • To switch from 1 to 2 languages, please contact our support. The url structure of your website will change to make place for the language code in all urls. We will have to clear a couple of caches for you.
  • To activate any other new language, just enable it with the dropdown in the module. This will make the language fields available in your dashboard, so you can start adding content in the new language. 
  • When you are done, just set the language checkbox to "visible" to activate the new language on your website, for all to see. 

All "visible" languages are automatically shown in a dropdown menu at the top of your website navigation:

Every translatable content field in the Dashboard will have a language switch on the top right when using multiple languages:

Set this switch to "all" to expose all fields, or pick any of the available languages.

TIP: you can switch all fields to any language all at the same time by using the general switch in the top left of your Dashboard. Or set it to "all" to display all fields in all languages at once: