This video is slightly outdated. Some extra fields have been added, some removed, and the order of fields has been improved. The information below is up to date!

This manual explains all the different options that can be filled out in a production to show content on the website, so reading this manual will be useful for anyone who is working with "Productions" anyway!

Probably most of your "Productions" will be imported to the Peppered dashboard via an event updater. It is also possible to create productions manually (without using an importer or updater).

To create but also to adjust the content of your productions it is nice to know what all the possibilities are. In Peppered, a production is always the starting point for your theatre show, concert, movie screening or exhibition. The production is first used to add all the content you have about your theatre show on the website.


Let's use a theatre show as an example. 

Go to the "Productions" module and click on "Add Production":

Production types

There are four types of productions you can use. Each type has a different subset of fields for content, and can be shown in a different layout, or even on a separate page, on your website.

  • Default: use this for a theatre show or performance

  • Movie: for movies extra info can be added about duration, release year, etc. Movies can use a slightly different template to make space for all the different times a movie can play on a day or week. There is even a new Cinema planner layout that is suitable for movie theaters with multiple halls.

  • Long-term: Use this type when an event spans several days, weeks or months, like an exhibition. These productions can be shown on top of every calendar view and remain visible between start and end date. (Default productions usually disappear after start time)
  • Course: This is a special case for courses. They come with a special overview page with separate filter options. A Course is usually not for sale online. A Contact form is used to subscribe to the course.

Fields per production

For now we will discuss all fields in the production type "Default". Click "add production" or open a production to see the detail page.

  • Production code: We ask for a unique code for each production. During an import this code will be created for you. Without an importer, you can make up a unique code yourself.
  • Production Box-office id: This field is sometimes used to create external order urls to navigate the visitor to the webshop of the ticketingsystem. This ID is usually imported. You can leave it empty.
  • Supertitle, title & subtitle: the picture below shows where this text will be shown (supertitle on top, then the title, and subtitle underneath)

SEO fields

For Search engine optimisation there are dedicated fields to optimise the content that is displayed by search engines. They crawl this data from your website pages.

  • Meta title: The (short) title as displayed by a search engine. This is automatically filled by combining the title and subtitle, but you can overwrite it when needed to make it shorter or more descriptive.
  • Meta description: The (short) description as displayed by a search engine
  • Performer: in order to communicate the right information to search engines, you can select which field (title or subtitle) is about the performer. Some theaters prefer to have the name of the performer first (as title), and the name of the production underneath (as subtitle). Also you can fill out whether your artist is a group (or collective), or one person in the Performer type field
  • Attendance: the attendance is about the way this event will take place. In your venue (offline), via a streaming (online) or maybe both (mixed)! If you choose online, the optional extra step for a "healthy check" will not be displayed during the order process. This will only be shown for offline shows.

SEA fields

For Advertising via Google or Meta (Facebook) we offer specialised content fields that are used when exporting your production data to Google or Meta. This data is not used on your website. You can export your productions via the Peppered Event Feeds

  • Title for Google Ads:This is automatically filled by combining the title and subtitle, but you can overwrite it when needed to make it shorter or more descriptive. Mind the maximum character count.
  • Description for Google ads: Speaks for itself. Mind the maximum character count. 
  • Enable remarketing for Google Ads: Adds the Google remarketing property to the dataLayer for all events in this production and includes the events in the Google Ads event feed.
  • Title for Meta:This is automatically filled by combining the title and subtitle, but you can overwrite it when needed to make it shorter or more descriptive. Mind the maximum character count.
  • Description for Meta: Speaks for itself. Mind the maximum character count. 
  • Enable remarketing for Meta: Adds the Meta remarketing property to the dataLayer for all events in this production and includes the events in the Google Ads event feed.

Content fields

  • Tag Line: the tag line will be shown in the agenda overview. It can be a short teaser to give some more information about the production. Check the image below to see where all these items are placed.
  • Teaser: this content is mostly shown at the top of the production detail page. This text can also be used in your mailings. More information about the content in your mailing will follow further along on this page.
  • Description part 1: the most used field to show text.
  • Side Note to description part 1: short side note, which can be shown on the left (example in the picture below) or on the right side of the description part 1.

  • Description part 2: if you have lots of text content it is nice to split it into two parts. It will help to create a page that is nice to read for the customer. Meaning a true online page :)
  • Primary Video URL: if you have a really nice movie or teaser to show, add it here! The video will be used in the calendar overview, on the homepage for featured productions, and the video will appear on top of the page of the production. Take the picture below as an example: the play button on the production on the left means that the primary video URL is used.

  • Secondary video/audio URL:

    In this case the video is not shown on top of the production page, but a bit lower on the page, mostly between different text parts, depending on where you placed your video/audio part on the production page (see Routes & parts module). You can also place links to audio files, playlists, podcasts on Soundcloud or Spotify. Always use the direct url of the file, not the embed code. For more information have a look at our guide on embedding content.
  • Quote & Quote source: got any nice reviews about your show? You can fill in a nice one here. Shorter quotes will look good on the page. The source of the quote will be written underneath.
  • Programmethis one is mostly used for classical concerts to inform about the programme of the concert. 

    Note: you could also use it for more quotes of reviews if needed!

  • Credits: add the credits list to the show page (for example direction, actors, sounds, etc.)
    Good to know: there is also a separate "Cast" module which can be used if you have artists that play often, if you have a production house, or if you want to display biographical elements about some artists. Contact a Peppered Expert for more information about it.

  • Mailing Description: if you leave this field empty, we will automatically show the teaser or the description 1 of the production in the mailing. If needed, you can use a different text thanks to this field.

  • Eticket information: Speaks for itself. Will show extra info on the Peppered HTML etickets.

  • Cost Explainer: Only check this box if you want to override the default "cost explainer" text (the default text can be found in "Template texts"). 
    - To hide the general cost explainer for this specific production, check the box and leave the text field empty. (Use this when you don't have service costs for the production)
    - To use a specific text for this event: mark the checkbox and add your text. (Use this when there is an extra fee for this production), the default text will be overwritten. Don't forget to change the amount of service costs in the Box Office!

  • Alternative Search Terms: the alternative search terms work within your own website. You can use them to add search terms related to your production. Some names or titles are often written the wrong way, here you can add all wrong spelling options so people still end up with the right search results.  

  • Custom data: This field can be used for all kinds of purposes, usually to add custom data some outgoing feed. If you don't know this field, you probably don't use it.

  • Genres and Tags: select genres and tags corresponding to this production. This is mostly used within the filters of the agenda page, and also to select related productions to show in the suggestions part.
  • Suggestions: generally shown at the bottom of the page, related productions will be shown as suggestions for further purchase. If a genre is selected, the suggestions will automatically be within the same genre. You can also manually select the suggestions that you think customers would be interested in. You can choose an unlimited amount of productions here. The part will show the first couple of upcoming productions that are still on sale.
    (Note: For more options, check out the "Suggestions" in "Control panel"-->"Events")

  • Featured Themes: some of your shows will relate to specific themes. Add a theme here that you would like to highlight on the production page. It will show up as a banner. The theme does not have to be connected to the production.
  • UiTdatabank type & UiTdatabank thema: Extra meta data for the UiTdatabank export (Belgian websites only)
  • Cast [deprecated]: To add cast members to your production. This feature is still supported but will eventually be replaced by a new feature. If you want to start working with Cast members, please check with Peppered about the possibilities.

IFRAME: with an Iframe you can add nice content like a podcast, a Spotify playlist, videos etc.

  • Add a link into the Iframe field. Note: make sure to always choose the embed link
  • pTop and pButton are used to add or remove some ‘white’ space around your Iframe. It is automatically set on 0px (which means 0 space around your Iframe). You can add for example 15px or 30px to create some extra space around your Iframe.
  • With bgColor you can choose the colour of your background around the Iframe. 

PROPERTIES: give specific features to your production, for example: 

  • Featured on Home: the show will be highlighted on the homepage within the featured Part. This part normally sorts shows based on nearby future dates, but by checking this box it will also be shown even when the date is further in the future.
  • Highlight in Overview: make the event bigger within the agenda page (overview). Do not use this for every show but only the ones that you would like to highlight.
  • Hidden from Overview and homepage: these shows will not be listed in the event overviews and the featured part on the homepage, but via the search function you will be able to find this event back.
  • Minimize in brochure view: makes a smaller view within the brochure lay out. 
  • Visible when no events are Connected: in specific cases you will have a production without events. For example, if you have a movie that will be released on another date in the future ("coming soon"). With this property the production page will be visible even if there are no connected events/dates.

Last but not least, choose and add all your pictures (media)!

  • General media: Is used as the main visual for your production in all marketing channels. The first image you upload is the main image. Extra images uploaded will be shown in an image gallery on the production page.
  • Posters: Images uploaded in this section will remain their original aspect ratio, and be shown in the sidebar of the description on a Movie page, in the brochure overview pop-up and in the movie Cinema planner overview.
  • Reviews: Upload images here for reviews. Extra text can be added in the image description. All reviews will be shown in a slider when the review part is enabled.