A visitor tag is a label connected to a visitor account. The label can be used to differentiate and classify visitors.
Most well-known application is to give visitors a certain status like "friend".

Create or import visitor tags

Usually these visitor tags originate in your ticketing system. They are imported to Peppered every time a visitor with a visitor tag logs in on the website.

Good to know: within your ticketing system these labels can have a different name (for example labels, client types, or privileges). Names vary depending on your box-office system. 

Within the "Visitor Tags" module you can see wether the tag is made in Peppered or if the visitor tag is created in the ticketing system. A tag with the source 'Website' will not communicate with the box-office. It will only work for visitors with a website account, and tags can only be added or changed within the Peppered website/dashboard. 

When creating a visitor tag within the Peppered dashboard, you can add a 'life time'. This time will start ticking the moment a visitor receive this tag.

Note: This life time has to be at least as long as the time that is between the moment you are creating this visitor-tag/event + the actual date/time of the event. When the time in between is one week, for example, the duration of the life time is 168 hours.

You can also automatically assign a visitor tag to new visitors to track the newly created accounts. If a visitor creates an account on the website and this visitor is not found in the ticketing system, this person is marked as 'new' and will automatically receive the visitor tag if that setting is set to 'yes'. This option allows you to show different content to visitors that already know your organization and a new audience. 

Note: You can only automatically assign 'website source visitor tags'.

Note: Combine this option with the 'life time' to determine how long the new visitor is marked as 'new'.   

After logging in, a visitor will see his/her visitor tag(s) in the 'My Theatre' section:

In this example, the visitor has one visitor tag ("Dans liefhebber"), but it is possible to have multiple visitor tags.

Why use visitor tags?

These visitor tags can be used in many Peppered dashboard modules, such as the "Privileges module module (price types available only for certain visitor tags) but also in "Banners", "Products" and on "Pages/stories and even page parts" to show website content selectively. Each visitor tag can also grant access to early pre-sale moments, so it is pretty powerful stuff!

One more feature: you can give a certain visitor tag to visitors who buy a specific show. This can be especially handy for a live streaming event. If a visitor buys a livestream ticket, they can get a special livestream visitor tag, so only they are able to see the show on the webpage specially made for this event. Within a specific event, you can add this visitor tag so that anyone who buys this event will automatically get the visitor tag attached to his/her account. 

Automatic import and update of visitor tags

Visitor tags are imported and updated directly from the ticketing system. This happens every time a visitor logs into the website, or returns to the website, and even when they are still logged in after their previous visit.

When a visitor is currently on your website and logged in, the system keeps checking each hour for updates of visitor tags. So there is a maximum of one hour delay for a visitor tag to be synced from the box-office system to the website. 

Usually that is no problem, but if you have just assigned a new tag to a client in your box-office system, and you are in a hurry, tell your client to log out and log in again. This way, the tag will be shown right away.

Adding visitor tags to accounts in the box-office system after online ticket sales

The website can add a visitor tag to a visitor account in your ticketing system. For this to happen automatically, go to the event in the "Events" module in the Peppered dashboard, and select the visitor tag you want to add to anyone who buys tickets for this event.

You can use this for a variety of possibilities. One idea is to grant access to special pages on your website based on the sale of tickets for a specific event, which is very useful when selling livestream access. 

Read all about it in this manual: (Paid) streaming video on your website. 

Import a new visitor tag to the dashboard

All visitor tags belonging to visitors are stored for general use in the "Visitor tags" module (Dashboard > Marketing > Visitor Tags).

To import a new visitor tag, add the specific visitor tag to your own account in your ticketing system. Next thing you do is log in to your website. 

Now the system will get a sign that a visitor is logged in with a new visitor tag. The tag will also be imported to the Peppered dashboard in de "Visitor tags" module. 

Newly imported visitor tags are automatically set to "inactive" in Peppered and must be activated manually if you want to use them on the website. This can be done in the "Visitor tags" module.

Good to knowif you delete a visitor's visitor tag in Peppered, it will automatically return when someone logs in to the website. Your box-office system is always leading, and therefore the right place to delete or manage your visitor tags. 
Note: For most ticketing systems, all visitor tags can be imported at once via the import button in the "Visitor tags" module.

Note: If the Visitor Tag does not appear in the visitor's account, make sure all the right boxes are selected in your box-office system for the visitor tag to be shown on the website (in Itix you have to select the "Toon op site" box for instance).

A visitor tag in Peppered:

  • The source informs you if the tag has been imported from your box-office system or if it has been made in Peppered (tags made in Peppered usually are not synced with box-office systems).

  • If the tag is enabled, the short description will be shown after logging in and the visitor tag can be used in the other modules mentioned above.

  • The code must exactly match the code in the box-office system.

  • The name is only meant to recognize the tag in the dashboard (it is not visible on the website).

  • The short description is shown in the "My Theatre" card after logging in.

  • The (optional) URL and button name together form a link to an optional follow-up page with more information about this visitor tag. All kinds of campaign information can be placed here so that the visitor can see for which actions he/she is eligible.

  • The date and time are used during a pre-sale. A pre-sales group must also be assigned. 

Important: After creating the visitor tag in the module, test whether it works by logging in to the website with an account to which the tag is linked in the ticketing system. You should be recognized by the website after logging in.

Are you using the visitor tag to organize your pre-sale? Use "Special Access" to travel forward in time and check if your pre-sale settings are set up the right way. 

You can see which visitor tags are currently active in your account in the special access panel:

Provisional visitor tags

Provisional visitor tags are a new way of assigning a visitor tag temporarily, based on the visitors' intent of buying an event or product. When the visitor adds the event or product to the shopping cart, the visitor tag will be activated. After the order is completed, or if the visitor removes the event or product from the shopping cart, the visitor tag will disappear again.

This will open up new possibilities connected to the event in the shopping basket:

  • Buying this event/product could give access to a presale for other events
  • Buying this event/product could activate or hide products in the order flow
  • etc.

To activate a provisional tag, just open the event or product (in the dashboard) that you want to act as a trigger, and add the visitor tag(s) you want to be temporarily activated in the field "Provisional visitor tags".

All in all, there are plenty of possibilities with the visitor tags. Enjoy this extended marketing tool!