Google Tag Manager (GTM) rides on the information that is provided in what is called the "dataLayer" of your website. This dataLayer is a piece of data that GTM can read and use, and it follows primarily Peppered's own structure of information. This document will describe the data in the dataLayer, what it means and what data you can expect to be available there.

The dataLayer is always fully available (except of course interactive events) at the start of a page load, before GTM is loaded. No data is pushed to the dataLayer, besides events, because building the dataLayer data set is done right before rendering a page.

To add GTM to you website add the Google TAG ID to the dashboard.

Go to Dashboard > System > Control Panel and look for: "Google Tag Manager" 

Here you add your personal Google Tag Manager Code.

Tracking interactions (events)

When you add events to your cart, we update the dataLayer, and we trigger custom "cart_add" and "cart_remove" events. Both events have an eventPayload property that contains all the properties of the item that was added or removed (see order_items in the dataLayer properties below).

Starting from release 191 we trigger "add_to_wishlist" and "remove_from_wishlist" events when events are added to or removed from the visitor's wish list. They have the same eventPayload as the cart events.

Starting from release 191, whenever the cart popup is opened we trigger an "cart_opened" event, and a "cart_closed" event when the popup is closed again.

We currently have no specific dataLayer events set up for forms.

dataLayer properties


The choice made in the cookie consent banner between the 3 levels of agreement. 
(for historical reasons also available as cookieConsent)


  • "" (empty string) initial value, and equivalent for "functional cookies"; in some cases also "default"
  • limited
  • all 


An ISO 4217 currency code, e.g. "EUR".


The kind of page, or location in the website you are currently visiting. 


  • error 
    e.g. 404
  • product_list
    a list of events or other "things you can buy"
  • product_detail
    the detail page of an event, ie. a product impression
  • subscription
    pages to manage mailing subscriptions etc.
  • account
    pages related to the user account, order history etc.
  • account_signup
    pages related to the account signup/creation process
  • account_edit
    pages related to changing any properties of the account, e.g. name and address
  • checkout
    pages in the checkout process
  • checkout_seat_selection
    the user is selecting seats on the seat map
  • checkout_options
    the user is selecting delivery methods, donations, and other options
  • checkout_payment
    the user is selecting a payment method on the site
  • checkout_pending
    we're waiting for confirmation of payment before continuing to checkout_success
  • checkout_failed
    something went wrong during checkout
  • checkout_cancel
    the user cancelled the order
  • checkout_success
    the checkout was completed
  • content
    everything else


The box office id for an order. Is only set if an order has been registered in the box office, otherwise it's "".


The selected delivery/fulfilment method of tickets. 


  • "" (empty string), initial value, nothing has been selected yet
  • postal
  • e-tickets
  • collect


The payment method. During an order, multiple payment methods can be used one after the other. 

For instance a voucher for part of the order amount, the rest via creditcard.

  • ""
    (empty string), initial value, nothing has been selected yet
  • various e.g. "mollie_ideal"
    depending on the particular integration


An order is considered to be "started" as soon as tickets have been selected for at least one event. Until that time the user can add events to the cart, but the checkout process hasn't started yet. The selected seats are reserved for a specific period of time, the user has to finalize the order before this time runs out. 


  • ""
    (empty string), initial value, the user hasn't started the checkout process
  • started
    tickets/seats have been selected)
  • finalized
    tickets are booked and payment was completed successfully


A (float) value for the total amount of the order (in the currency specified in currency_code).


A boolean representing wether the user is logged in or not. If the user is logged in more information is available:


ID of the visitor in the box office system.


List of visitor tag id’s as they are known in the box office system.


A list of the items/events in the cart/shopping basket. It's updated when a user adds or removes events. Each entry has:

  • item_category
    type of event: default, movie, long_term

    renamed to item_category in release 178, also still available as item_type
  • item_id
    id of the event in the box office system 

    renamed to item_id in release 178, also still available as item_code
  • item_name
    <title> hyphen <subtitle> of the production
  • item_date
    ISO 8601 format of the start date and time
  • products_value
    sum of the price of all selected tickets etc.
  • products 
    "products" is a list of “tickets”, ie. everything that’s part of the order item and might also include dinner tickets, 3d-glasses and other extras. If a user selects tickets for different price levels (e.g. different ranks, or tickets with discounts) each price level shows up as a different product.

    Each product has these values:
    • price_code
      id of the price in the box office system
    • price_name
      description of the price as it’s visible on the site
    • price_value
      float value of the price for one item
    • quantity
      number of items of this product in the order

      The extra’s (aka cross-sells) also have an “extra” value with its name.
      Note that the sum of "products_values" tends to end up lower than the "order_value", because the latter include
      s service and handling costs.


A list of the events on the current detail page. The identifying information exactly matches that of order_items:

  • item_type
  • item_code
  • item_name
  • item_date

Additionally detail_items also have:

  • price
    float value of the lowest price for this event
  • remarketing
    boolean, is true if remarketing is enabled for the production or event in the Peppered Dashboard. The remarketing value is split into two new values starting from release 175: remarketing_meta and remarketing_google.

Legacy E-commerce (GA3)

Warning: the ecommerce dataset pushed after a completed order is considered "legacy": it has not been updated for GA4, and it does not include products (ie. donations and merchandise and other items not sold as event tickets). Please use the data described above in this document.

On successful completion of an order, a new set of data is pushed to the dataLayer, detailing the purchase in a format that is easy to map to e-commerce tracking in Google Analytics. This is separate from and in addition to the order_items data that is continually available during the order process, and follows a different format:

"ecommerce": {
"currencyCode": "example: EUR",
"purchase": {
"actionField": {
"id": "box-office id of the order",
"affiliation": "name of the website",
"revenue": "(float) value for the total amount of the order",
"tax": "hardcoded at 0 (zero)",
"shipping": "hardcoded at 0 (zero)",
"products": [{
"id": "box office ID of the event + price description + price level",
"name": "event title + event start date and time",
"price": "ticket price",
"brand": "event subtitle",
"category": "box office ID of the event",
"quantity": "number of tickets"