Donations are possible on the website thanks to a dedicated page part. You can find the donation part in the part list of a page in the "Pages" module.


Note: please follow all the steps of this manual. The donation part will not function properly when forgetting one of the steps.



The donation form

The donation form consists of a slider to set the donation amount. The minimum and maximum amounts are configured in the page part itself. The default amount is the position of the slider right after one opens the page. 

The form also offers fields for "name", "e-mail address" and "remark", which are all optional. Anonymous donations are thus also possible by leaving these fields empty.



Donation part configuration

There are some settings to make when  adding a donation part to your page:

  • You can set the start and end amount of the slider by filling out the min-max range. 
  • The default price is the place where the slider starts. In the example people will see the amount of €5,-.
  • The reference is a special mention that will be added to the donation. When you set up different donations you might like to know from which page the donation came from. In general (for all your donation) you can set up an extra PSP account. This is an extra function so it will be combined with the references. Below you will read more about setting up an extra PSP.

Confirmation / thank you email

The "Donation" module does not send a confirmation email to the person donating. The module does not process the response from the Payment Service Provider and can not distinguish between a cancelled donation and a successful donation. Therefore it is up to you to send periodical thank you e-mails to those who donated. You will find the e-mail address in the description of the payment in Mollie or Pay in case the person donating has filled in their e-mail address. 

Setting up the return page

Create a donation page, and add some content explaining the character of the donation. Add the donation part, and configure the part settings (see above).

Configure a return URL for the return page after the payment has been made. You can do so in the "Donation return URL" field in the control panel in the "Ticketing" module. The URL should be a relative URL, like this fictive example: "/pQ6VJUL/voorbeeld-van-een-pagina" (don't forget the first slash ("/")).

The return URL can link to the donation form itself, but we advice to make a second page for the return URL. On this page you can provide a thank you message. Please note that the return page is also used after a cancelled payment, so make sure to also offer some information to those that cancelled the donation, and perhaps link them back to the donation page for a second attempt.

Do not hesitate to contact an expert if you need any help.

Setting up the payment
The donation part currently works with both Mollie and Pay. If you already have a payment service provider (PSP) with one of these two, the same one can be used without further configuration. Donations will be processed in the same PSP account. You need to make sure your PSP donation (live) is Enabled. Add the API key from your existing PSP by copy pasting it. Or Make a new API key within your Mollie of Pay account. 

Multiple PSP Profiles
If you want to separate your donations from your order transactions in your PSP, create a new profile in the PSP.
If needed, ask for assistance by our experts.

After you have obtained the API keys ("test" and "live"), fill them in in the new "API connections" module, in the "donations" connections. Use both the "live" and the "test" keys and enter them in the appropriate connection. The test key will by default be used on your staging website, so that you can test orders without actual payments on staging.

Template texts 
All template texts for the form start with "FE3_Donation_Form". You can find them in the "Template texts" module (Dashboard > System > Template Texts).

Special mentions:

This template text is optional and will be shown if the slider reaches the minimum amount. For example:
"We cannot process smaller donations at the moment".

This template text is optional as well and will be shown if the slider reaches the maximum amount. For example:
"Please contact us for higher amounts".

Keywords: Donation Donate Donatie Doneren Page website Donaties pagina sponsoren