To schedule a manual mailing with an opt-in, you first need to have your opt-ins properly implemented.

More information about opt-ins

When your opt-ins are set up, people can opt-in for different services you provide in the Communication preferences of their Peppered account.

Please make sure the explanation of each opt-in is clear so people know what they sign up for (Marketing > Opt-ins module).

Every mailing you are planning to send via the Peppered Platform will have to be sent according to the proper permission. 

So every mailing needs to comply with one opt-in (there are few exceptions, such as press releases).

Scheduling with opt-ins

Selecting the proper opt-in is easy. The "Newsletter opt-in" is always preselected. You just have to add a time and date.

You also have the option to combine the opt-in with one or several mailing lists if you want to specify your target audience even more. 

We made a short movie (no sound) explaining this procedure:

In the video you see the following screen, based on 3 easy steps:

  1. Schedule: 
    Provide a date and time for your newsletter to be sent.

  2. Database:
    Select the proper opt-in database. By default the "Newsletter opt-in" database is selected, but other opt-ins can be selected as well. 

In case you don't want to use any opt-in database, you can click on "Use list as database". In this case the system will not check the opt-in (no agreement from the visitor). Use this feature only if you are sure to be allowed to contact the people in this mailing list (GDPR obligations). More explanation below.

    3. Filters:
You can refine your target audience by adding or subtracting mailing lists.
If you do not want to use filters to refine your selection, make sure to check the function "Send without filters".

Target specific recipients by adding and subtracting mailing lists

If you add a mailinglist in step 3, you have four options:

  • include a mailinglist ("on at least one of these lists")
    When adding a mailing list here, the target audience must have the selected opt-in AND must be on (one of) the added mailinglist(s).
    So we only send the mail to people with the opt-in that are also on (at least one of) the selected mailinglist(s).

          As a result, the final number of recipients receiving the mailing might be lower than the number of recipients on             your original mailing list.

        This option is also very suitable for imported mailinglists, because this option will automatically remove all                     recipients without the proper opt-in.


  • exclude a mailinglist ("But not on any of these lists")
    When adding a mailing list here, the target audience must have the selected opt-in AND is not on (one of) the added mailinglist(s).
    So we send the mail to all the people with the opt-in that are NOT on (any of) the selected mailinglist(s).

  • Send without filters
    If you do not want to use filters to refine your selection, make sure you check "Send without filters".
    This works as an extra safety that ensures you only send mailings to an entire opt-in database when you deliberately check this box.

  • Ignoring the blocklist
    Usually you want only to send people an e-mail who have asked for it. When using the opt-ins only people who have asked for it (through the opt-in selection) receive an e-mail. When you check the box: Ignore BlockList everyone (also people without an opt-in) will receive an e-mail. You will ignore the Blocklist (opt-out selection). This is useful for cancellations when you need to contact all visitors, even the ones who for instance don't have a Peppered account (and don't have opt-in in our database). More explanation below.

To use only when you are sure to be allowed to contact these people.

Checking recipients before sending

When you have selected the proper Opt-in Database and perhaps added one or several mailinglists (steps 2 and 3), after scheduling the mailing (step 1) you have the option to check the mailing query. 

On the next page you reach, click "Download (csv)" to let the platform generate a list of all recipients. This is a combined list of all opt-ins and mailinglists you selected in the previous step. 

Good to know: downloading a .csv can take some time (up to a minute), depending on how many recipients the database contains.

Make sure to always delete you downloaded filers from your computer since it contains e-mail addresses and other personal data.

Mailing without opt-ins

When you want to send a mailing to a mailing list of recipients that do not have an opt-in in Peppered, but you have obtained permission in another way, you can choose at step 2 for Use list as Database. Now the system will not look at the opt-ins but only at the mailing list. You need to be sure all people like to receive this email.

So to ignore the opt-in you select: 'Use list as database'

An GDPR-note will appear. If you do want to use opt-in, clic on Back to opt-in databases.

Select the list you would like to use as database. All people in this list, also the ones without opt-ins, will receive the email.

Generating and exporting a list of recipients with a certain opt-in

In the Marketing > Visitors module you can also generate a list of all people with a certain opt-in. Just select the opt-in from the dropdown and click "search".

Ignoring the blocklist

This feature, especially made during the corona crisis, enables you to reach all email addresses that are registered as "Blocked" in the Peppered database. The blocklist is a final filter that makes sure people who unsubscribed from all mail never get any mail again, not even after they are newly imported from external databases.

However, in times of need, when it is critical to reach as many people as possible (i.e. for cancellations), it is possible to include recipients from the blocklist in your mailings. Be sure to have a proper reason and permission to include these email addresses in your mailings.

In doing so, all email addresses that are registered as blocked will be included in the mail.

Some examples

Ignoring the blocklist, but mailing with opt-ins

However, the final mailinglist will still check for opt-ins when you choose to send mailings via the opt-in database. This principle will work as explained above for regular mailings, and will only allow email addresses that have the correct opt-in. So people on the blocklist who have no opt-in will NOT be included when you use the opt-in database as your source. The opt-in check will be respected (overwrites the blocklist function):

In this setting, only people on the blocklist who have a newsletter opt-in AND are on the list "peppered test" will be included.

Ignoring the blocklist,  ignoring opt-ins

If you choose to ignore opt-ins (see "mailing without opt-ins" above) and check the box "Ignore blocklist", the mailing will be send to all email addresses on the list you select. Use the feature "use list as database" to select your own mailing list, and check both boxes "Send without filter" and "Ignore blocklist":

In this setting, all people on the blocklist that are on the list "Peppered test" will be included.

Only use this option when you are absolutely sure you have a good reason to ignore both the blocklist and the opt-in settings.

Keywords: Scheduling manual mailings with Newsletter opt-ins blocklist database use list lists ignore blocklist nieuwsbrief versturen verzenden