It can happen that something goes wrong while a customer is making an online order. There are two processes that can go wrong that do not take place on the Peppered-website itself and that the website therefore does not control:

  • The iDeal payment goes wrong (external website at the bank);
  • The booking goes wrong (checkout system).
Credit card payments are made directly on the website so that the visitor has never "left", so we always know whether the payment is or isn't successful.)

If someone makes an iDeal payment at the bank, it is possible that this person makes a successful payment, but then does not return to the website (payment is successful but closes down the browser), in which case the website never receives the payment confirmation. It is also possible that the customer decides not to pay and closes the window. In both cases, the website does not know what happened to the payment.
A few minutes before the order session ends (duration varies per ticketing system), a transaction checker will be activated to inform iDeal about the payment.

  • If iDeal reports that the payment was not successful, the order will be canceled, and this will also be passed on to the ticketing system.
  • If iDeal reports that the payment is successful, the order is then booked through the transaction checker and sent to the box office by email (as successfully booked). In this case the box office does not have to do anything.
  • If iDeal indicates that the payment is still in progress, the status will be asked again later. If the payment has succeeded over time, it may happen that the session in the ticketing system or on the site has expired. The order can no longer be booked and the transaction checker sends an e-mail to the box office with information about the order and the notification that it has not been entered into the ticketing system after a successful payment. The box office has to take action.

If the payment is successful, but it is not possible to enter the ticketing system for another reason, the website sends an error email to the box office with the order information, the message that the payment is successful, and the error that we get from the ticketing system. The order was unsuccessful, and the box office must enter the order manually. The customer can be asked what he has seen and done. It is unknown for how long the order will remain in the ticketing system, but the website does not do anything with it anymore.

It is possible that your box office will receive a message as shown in the picture below, titled 'Booking failed' or 'Fout bij inboeken bestelling'. You can always forward this to, so an Expert can walk you through the next steps.

Fout bij inboeken bestelling / Booking failed.